Enter new debtors
In case you do not wish to send a new debtor file to Intermarket, you can book your new debtors on this page.
This is how to enter your new debtors:
- Insert the VAT number of your debtor
- Please insert the debtor number you were given by your bookkeeping department into the relevant field.
ø Attention:
- The debtor number as well as the invoice number must not have more than 12 characters.
- Alphanumeric symbols are not admitted and lead to error notifications.
- Please insert the registered company wording or owner into the relevant field. Please mind the exact company wording in order to make sure that Intermarket can register your new debtor correctly.
(e.g.: Agency for music events and –management – Tanja Tuba p.p) Choose the selected country by clicking on the arrow of the field. - Insert all further formal data you know in the relevant fields.
Determine individual terms of payment
If you have determined a term of payment with a debtor that diverges from your general terms of payment, please inform Intermarket in the following way:
- Mark the field “Individual terms of payment”.
- Select the “Days” and “Percentages” of your choice by clicking on the arrow of the respective field.
- In order to send the data of your prospect, click the button “Send”.
For later changes regarding the terms of payment please use the page “Information about adjustments”.
If you wish to enter further new debtors, please repeat procedures 1-4.
Desired assumption of del credere
In case you wish to have an assumption of del credere for this debtor please inform Intermarket in the following way:
- Insert the desired amount into the field “Limit”
- Please select the currency by clicking on the arrow of the field
- Fill in the date (DDMMYYYY) in the field “valid from”
- Optionally you may fill in the turnover of the last 12 months
- In order to send the request of del credere click the button “Send”